You deserve to know

Where is all our money going? And what are our elected officials even doing? We deserve to know. 

Unfortunately, in much of our country and New Jersey especially, corruption and a lack of transparency abound in our government. Just a few examples…

So what are we supposed to do about it? We can get angry–and we should–but that isn’t all we should do. 

I write to you often about grabbing back the megaphone and speaking out. That isn’t just talk, it’s the whole founding purpose of the Common Sense Club. 

We need to DEMAND to know how our elected officials are using our hard-earned money. After all, they work for US. 

The Left wants us to forget that. 

As the 2024 Election is underway, it really seems like we’re only hearing about Leftist policies from the media. It can make those of us left with common sense feel isolated, like we’re the only ones seeing the government waste, the overspending, and the “woke” damage. 

That is all by design. The Left WANTS us to feel like we’re the crazy ones. They want to gaslight us into feeling like we’re in the minority. 

If we begin to speak our minds and call out their nonsense, something powerful will happen. Our neighbors and friends will say “That’s exactly what I was thinking. I thought I was the only one!” 

And when the Common Sense Majority can come together and get loud, the Left will no longer be able to silence us. That’s our mission–and my personal mission as President of Common Sense Club: to empower you to speak up!

We’d love for you to join us. If you’re not a member, consider becoming one! You’ll get access to calls with thought leaders like this one plus much more! Sign up here!

And if you’re already a member, consider chipping in a little extra this month to help the Voice of Common Sense get even louder. 

You’re not alone. There is a Common Sense majority here in New Jersey. And your voice will have an immense impact. 

In defiance and strength, 

Elizabeth Nader


Common Sense Club

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