Get the straight facts about this Election

This Election season keeps getting crazier. 

The Democrats are trying to gaslight us into seeing Kamala Harris as the “change” candidate. Meanwhile, the Left holds all the power in our state, Senate, and White House (Kamala Harris is the sitting Vice President for crying out loud!). And they have been using this power to push for more reckless spending, more taxes, and a woke social agenda wherever possible. 

It feels insane because it IS insane. 

And yet many of us with Common Sense feel like we’re the ones going crazy. That’s because the Leftwing lunatics are still holding the megaphone in our country and state. 

We, the Common Sense Majority in New Jersey, MUST take back the megaphone. We MUST start raising our voices about this election. 

Do you want to start speaking up but aren’t sure how? 

We can all do our part by talking frankly with our friends and family. I’m attaching a great resource that will give you all the facts you need to feel confident in raising your voice. 

Follow this link to the Know Before You Vote website → 

This site will be a great resource for you to confidently talk with those who still aren’t clear about how they should vote. 

I hope it empowers you to get LOUD about this election and what’s at stake. Because there is so much at stake. We cannot afford to stay silent. 

In defiance and strength, 

Elizabeth Nader


Common Sense Club

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