"This is Crazy!"

If you find yourself shouting this phrase a lot when you watch the news or hear about the latest decisions out of Trenton, you aren’t alone. This is your club. We are the Common Sense Majority in New Jersey! We’re the whistleblowers. We’re unafraid to speak the truth out loud and to say what most New Jerseyans are already thinking.
It’s just common sense.
Shout Common Sense.
save new jersey
We’re the megaphone for New Jersey’s Common Sense Majority. We’re shouting the Left’s lunacy from the rooftops. We’re holding them accountable.
Join The Club
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New ways to spread common sense coming soon.
Pornography doesn’t belong in kindergarten
Tell the New Jersey Legislature to protect our kids
big headline number 2 that makes you want to click it
Small description to further entice you on what you’re about to do.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Another headline that gets us fired up
Tell the New Jersey Legislature to protect our kids