Our story
The Common Sense Story

In New Jersey and across the country, citizens are facing some of the most important issues we will tackle in our lifetime. Threats to our individual and civil liberties, out-of-control spending, skyrocketing debt, government incompetence on expected services, indifference to the plight of the middle class, outright attacks on families and our children, and politicians more willing to support radicals and extremists than stand with the brave men and women in Law Enforcement. But it was the government and corporate elites’ response to COVID-19 — crushing small businesses, driving our workforce away from their jobs, and threatening everyone’s freedom with endless mandates and questionable motives – that really awakened New Jersey’s sleeping Common Sense majority.

Bill knew that partisan rhetoric wasn’t the answer. He believed the answer to getting our state back was to unify New Jersey’s Common Sense Majority and start saying it like it is. That’s why we launched the Common Sense Club, to engage Americans like you who think it’s time for a little old fashioned common sense to solve our biggest problems. We built a voice and a following that is gaining steam as New Jerseyans realize they aren’t alone. We’re saying what they’ve been thinking!
Today, we’re building on Bill’s legacy and raising our voice even louder. The mission is simple: To save our state from Left Wing Lunacy. We’re refusing to sit on the sidelines while craziness goes down without calling it out. We’re agile, we’re quick, and we’re the mouthpiece New Jersey needs. We’re under no illusions that change will happen overnight. Entrenched power doesn’t let go easily, but we’re going to be here calling out the crap until the change comes. We will make sure those in power know that they aren’t the voice of New Jersey. The Common Sense Majority is rising and we aren’t going anywhere.

Women for Common Sense

Our mission
Common Sense Club exists to save New Jersey from Left Wing Lunacy and restore sanity in our state’s political landscape. New Jersey has a silent Common Sense Majority that can be silent no more. Our mission is clear: to say the truth out loud, call out the lunacy, hold the lunatics accountable, and champion practical, evidence-based policies that prioritize the interests of all citizens. We will pull New Jersey back from the brink when we refuse to let common sense stay silent.