STOP this bill

I write to you all the time about how our corrupt government often hides invasive policies that most New Jersey voters wouldn’t dream of supporting under seemingly harmless names. Well, the latest example is the “Freedom to Read” Act, which just passed in the state house early this summer. 

Of course, no one objects to the freedom of speech and everyone wants to support children reading. But that isn’t what this bill does. 

It would allow for school libraries to curate woke, sexually-explicit materials by giving librarians immunity from civil and criminal liabilities for “good faith actions.” It also gives school boards total control to adopt “model policies” established by a state senate committee. Meanwhile, all the controversial material stays in schools while the policies are being reviewed. 

So, as you can see, this bill isn’t about free speech. It’s about going around taxpayers to indoctrinate children in public schools. 

There’s still a chance to stop this bill from becoming law! 

The Senate Education Committee is holding a hearing on this bill (Bill A3446) this coming Monday, September 30. The senate has every intention of ramming this bill through before taxpayers know what’s in it. 

We need all common sense voters to speak out against this bill. Here’s how you can help…

  • Contact the Senate Education Committee Members and tell them to vote NO on S2421/A3446
    • Senator Vin Gopal (Chair), 732-695-3371
    • Senator Shirley Turner (Vice Chair), 609-323-7239
    • Senator Kristin Corrado,  973-237-1360
    • Senator Owen Henry, 732-607-7580
    • Senator Angela McKnight, 201-360-2502
  • Share this information with your social network 

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The “Freedom to Read” Act isn’t about free speech. It’s about using YOUR tax dollars to allow schools to host sexually-explicit materials. Contact the Senate Education Committee Members and tell them to vote NO on S2421/A3446.

The Leftwing lunatics in our statehouse want to pull the wool over our eyes on this one. We cannot allow them. It’s time to get loud. 

Elizabeth Nader 


Common Sense Club

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