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Pornography doesn’t belong in kindergarten

Tell the New Jersey Legislature to protect our kids

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Tell the New Jersey Legislature to protect our kids

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Closed Campaigns

Parental bill of rights

Our Impact

66,062 Emails Sent to New Jersey Legislators

Urge New Jersey Legislators to pass a robust Parental Bill of Rights. It’s time to rebuild what the New Jersey government broke during the COVID lockdowns. It’s time we reclaim for parents what should have never been threatened in the first place.

I write to you today as one of your constituents with Common Sense. I believe, like so many of my neighbors, that the most important people involved with a child’s development are the parents. Our law should reflect that fact.

That’s why I decided to step up to join Bill Spadea and become a Citizen Signer of the Parental Bill of Rights. I write today to demand that you stand with your constituents and show your support too.


The state, any governmental entity, or institution should NOT be allowed to infringe upon the fundamental rights of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of a minor child. This bill of rights lists 10 points that protect parents and their children from intrusive government bureaucrats seeking to impose their political will on the family and override a parent’s inalienable right to make decisions for their children.

It’s time to rebuild what the New Jersey government broke during the COVID lockdowns. It’s time we reclaim for parents what should have never been threatened in the first place.

Please, join me in supporting the Parental Bill of Rights in the legislature… It’s Common Sense.

I write to you today as one of your constituents with Common Sense. I believe, like so many of my neighbors, that the most important people involved with a child’s development are the parents. Our law should reflect that fact.

That’s why I decided to step up to join Bill Spadea and become a Citizen Signer of the Parental Bill of Rights. I write today to demand that you stand with your constituents and show your support too.


The state, any governmental entity, or institution should NOT be allowed to infringe upon the fundamental rights of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of a minor child. This bill of rights lists 10 points that protect parents and their children from intrusive government bureaucrats seeking to impose their political will on the family and override a parent’s inalienable right to make decisions for their children.

It’s time to rebuild what the New Jersey government broke during the COVID lockdowns. It’s time we reclaim for parents what should have never been threatened in the first place.

Please, join me in supporting the Parental Bill of Rights in the legislature… It’s Common Sense.

Small Business Protection Act

Our Impact

34,661 Emails Sent to New Jersey Legislators

Ask the New Jersey Legislature to pass the Small Business Protection Act, enshrining critical protections to allow small businesses to flourish. After all, small businesses account for 99% of businesses in New Jersey, and the employ half of NJ workers

Crime reform

Our Impact

25,502 Emails Sent to New Jersey Legislators

Ask the New Jersey Legislature to get tough and tackle out-of-control crime in our state with these common sense reforms.

I am writing to you out of concern for the growing crime rate in New Jersey.

Something must be done now to address this crisis. New Jersey is suffering! We need you to:

REPEAL bail reform and stop the revolving door that is allowing criminals to be sent back into my neighborhood, sometimes within hours of committing criminal acts

RE-INCARCERATE every one of the thousands of convicted criminals who was let out of prison because of “Covid” BEFORE completing their court ordered sentencing.

REPLACE current ‘soft-on-crime’ policies with tougher laws to deter criminal behavior, increase incarceration for the repeat offenders, and empower our law enforcement heroes.

Bail Reform has clearly failed and common sense policy needs to replace it in order to reduce crime and reverse this troubling trend. 

I am asking you to help us take back our streets from the criminals and make New Jersey as safe as possible for every family, in every town, on every street!

I am writing to you out of concern for the growing crime rate in New Jersey.

Something must be done now to address this crisis. New Jersey is suffering! We need you to:

REPEAL bail reform and stop the revolving door that is allowing criminals to be sent back into my neighborhood, sometimes within hours of committing criminal acts

RE-INCARCERATE every one of the thousands of convicted criminals who was let out of prison because of “Covid” BEFORE completing their court ordered sentencing.

REPLACE current ‘soft-on-crime’ policies with tougher laws to deter criminal behavior, increase incarceration for the repeat offenders, and empower our law enforcement heroes.

Bail Reform has clearly failed and common sense policy needs to replace it in order to reduce crime and reverse this troubling trend. 

I am asking you to help us take back our streets from the criminals and make New Jersey as safe as possible for every family, in every town, on every street!

Stop S524!

Our Impact

12,354 Emails Sent to New Jersey Legislators

Ask New Jersey Legislators to vote NO on S-524, which would give prosecutors the authority to divert dangerous offenders from the criminal justice system without jail and without ever talking to a judge.

I am writing to you out of concern for the growing crime rate in New Jersey.

Something must be done now to address this crisis. New Jersey is suffering! We need you to:

REPEAL bail reform and stop the revolving door that is allowing criminals to be sent back into my neighborhood, sometimes within hours of committing criminal acts

RE-INCARCERATE every one of the thousands of convicted criminals who was let out of prison because of “Covid” BEFORE completing their court ordered sentencing.

REPLACE current ‘soft-on-crime’ policies with tougher laws to deter criminal behavior, increase incarceration for the repeat offenders, and empower our law enforcement heroes.

Bail Reform has clearly failed and common sense policy needs to replace it in order to reduce crime and reverse this troubling trend. 

I am asking you to help us take back our streets from the criminals and make New Jersey as safe as possible for every family, in every town, on every street!

I am writing to you to strongly oppose bill S524, “Creates Mental Health Diversion Program”.

S-524 would give prosecutors the authority to divert dangerous offenders from the criminal justice system without jail and without ever talking to a judge.

This would allow SERIOUS CRIMINALS avoid court (and jail) entirely.

In nutshell, if S-524 passes, then when a criminal is arrested for sexual assault, first or second degree violent crime, gun assault, arson or an offense under Megan’s Law, they would be allowed to:

  1. Avoid court and give a prosecutor SOLE DISCRETION to put them into a diversion program as long as a social worker (not a doctor) says they are depressed or suffer from 4 or more other “mental health” issues (which include loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss or weight gain, trouble sleeping, fidgeting or nervousness – not making that up; it’s literally in the bill)
  1. Avoid jail. There is no incarceration. They serve a non custodial release term that can’t extend more than 2 years, during which there is no consequence for not completing the program or reoffending, and they can be admitted to the program as many times as they commit crimes. 
  1. When they complete the program they have a congratulatory graduation ceremony and their charge is expunged (adding insult to injury for the victims).
  1. There is NO JUDICIAL REVIEW. The Prosector decides who goes in and who comes out. There is no court date.


We’ve seen what’s happened in places like Chicago and San Francisco where prosecutors have refused to hold criminals accountable for breaking the law.

We cannot allow a prosecutor the power to divert a child molester or a violent criminal who shot someone from the criminal justice system without the approval of a judge.

We cannot allow our streets to be riddled with criminals who should be in jail. That’s why I decided to step up to join Bill Spadea in speaking out against this dangerous legislation.

Please, join me in opposing S524… It’s Common Sense.

Demand Common Sense

Our Impact

50,654 Emails Sent to New Jersey Legislators

Alert New Jersey Legislators about the Common Sense Club and let them know you are part of New Jersey’s Common Sense Majority!

I wanted you to be the first to know that I just joined Bill Spadea’s Common Sense Club to put good old fashioned common sense back into American politics. I wanted YOU to be the first to know, and urge you to fight for the values that so many of my fellow NJ residents are fighting for.

I believe that New Jersey should lead the way in protecting our schools, standing up for parents rights, protecting small businesses, and cutting taxes.

Government and corporate elites devised a response to COVID-19 which only exacerbated current problems, crushing small businesses by driving our workforce away from their jobs, and threatening everyone’s freedom with endless mandates and questionable motives which are causing more harm than good, especially for our children.

Partisan rhetoric is not the answer.

I believe that partisan rhetoric and radical agendas are hurting this great state.

I am encouraging you to pursue common sense policies that will make New Jersey the greatest state to live, work, and raise a family.

Thank you for your time and your service to this great state.

I wanted you to be the first to know that I just joined Bill Spadea’s Common Sense Club to put good old fashioned common sense back into American politics. I wanted YOU to be the first to know, and urge you to fight for the values that so many of my fellow NJ residents are fighting for.

I believe that New Jersey should lead the way in protecting our schools, standing up for parents rights, protecting small businesses, and cutting taxes.

Government and corporate elites devised a response to COVID-19 which only exacerbated current problems, crushing small businesses by driving our workforce away from their jobs, and threatening everyone’s freedom with endless mandates and questionable motives which are causing more harm than good, especially for our children.

Partisan rhetoric is not the answer.

I believe that partisan rhetoric and radical agendas are hurting this great state.

I am encouraging you to pursue common sense policies that will make New Jersey the greatest state to live, work, and raise a family.

Thank you for your time and your service to this great state.

Say NO to Gov Murphy’s Electric Car Mandate

Our Impact

14,601 Emails Sent to New Jersey Legislators

Ask New Jersey Legislators to oppose Governor Murphy’s radical electric car mandates that will hurt New Jersey businesses, raise costs, and force New Jerseyans to go to neighboring states to buy cars.

I am writing to you to strongly oppose Governor Murphy’s Electric Vehicle Mandates.

Governor Murphy is once again taking away our personal liberties by removing the option for New Jersey residents to purchase gas powered vehicles in the state, and in doing so he is penalizing New Jersey businesses and forcing residents to cross the border into Pennsylvania and New York to purchase their cars.

Beginning in 2026 gas powered cars will be on the endangered species list. Governor Phil Murphy has proposed to phase out the sale of gas powered vehicles in New Jersey. Under the proposed rules, New Jersey would require 51% of all vehicles sold to be electric in just a few short years. By 2035, that number would climb all the way to 100% of vehicle sales.

Why is Governor Murphy banning the cars that we have worked for years to be able to afford? Not only that, but this rule would effectively bankrupt New Jersey car dealers as consumers would flock to neighboring states to purchase conventional gas powered cars. As of 2021 there were 2.5 million vehicles registered in New Jersey. If Governor Murphy is successful, it would be impossible for us to keep up with the increased demand on our electric grid. Think back to the gas shortages from the great depression, only this time, people will be waiting in line to plug in their car while the local gas station sits abandoned and out of business across the street.

 Please, join me in opposing Governor Murphy’s Electric Vehicle Mandates… It’s Common Sense.

I am writing to you to strongly oppose Governor Murphy’s Electric Vehicle Mandates.

Governor Murphy is once again taking away our personal liberties by removing the option for New Jersey residents to purchase gas powered vehicles in the state, and in doing so he is penalizing New Jersey businesses and forcing residents to cross the border into Pennsylvania and New York to purchase their cars.

Beginning in 2026 gas powered cars will be on the endangered species list. Governor Phil Murphy has proposed to phase out the sale of gas powered vehicles in New Jersey. Under the proposed rules, New Jersey would require 51% of all vehicles sold to be electric in just a few short years. By 2035, that number would climb all the way to 100% of vehicle sales.

Why is Governor Murphy banning the cars that we have worked for years to be able to afford? Not only that, but this rule would effectively bankrupt New Jersey car dealers as consumers would flock to neighboring states to purchase conventional gas powered cars. As of 2021 there were 2.5 million vehicles registered in New Jersey. If Governor Murphy is successful, it would be impossible for us to keep up with the increased demand on our electric grid. Think back to the gas shortages from the great depression, only this time, people will be waiting in line to plug in their car while the local gas station sits abandoned and out of business across the street.

 Please, join me in opposing Governor Murphy’s Electric Vehicle Mandates… It’s Common Sense.

Support Billy Cray’s Law S1897

Our Impact

7,583 Emails Sent to New Jersey Legislators

Ask New Jersey Legislators to vote YES on Billy Cray’s Law, ensuring the most vulnerable – those with intellectual and developmental disabilities – are protected in group homes.

I am writing to you in support of bill S1897, also known as “Billy Cray’s Law”.

In 2017 33-year old Billy Cray was found dead in the closet of his bedroom at the Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health of New Jersey in Somers Point. The cause of death was suspicious, and his mother revealed he had been abused regularly in his 25 years living in five group homes around the state.

Bill S1897 was originally introduced more than two years ago but is now stalled in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. It seems the chairman of the Committee, State Senator Joe Vitale, is more interested in playing politics than saving lives. According to the bill’s new sponsors, Senator Ed Durr and Senator Bob Singer, there are at least 25 of the 40 New Jersey state senators on board supporting its passage. The bill is simple and will make group homes safer for residents. It requires the installation of video cameras in all common areas of adult group homes for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities…only if all the residents agree. Cameras can also be added to private rooms upon request of the resident.

We need to pass this legislation now. That’s why I decided to step up to join Bill Spadea in support of this Common Sense law that will protect our most vulnerable. I write today to demand that you stand with your constituents and show your support too. 

Please, join me in supporting S1897 / Billy Cray’s Law… It’s Common Sense.

And to Senator Vitale – move the bill out of committee and to the floor for a vote!

I am writing to you in support of bill S1897, also known as “Billy Cray’s Law”.

In 2017 33-year old Billy Cray was found dead in the closet of his bedroom at the Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health of New Jersey in Somers Point. The cause of death was suspicious, and his mother revealed he had been abused regularly in his 25 years living in five group homes around the state.

Bill S1897 was originally introduced more than two years ago but is now stalled in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. It seems the chairman of the Committee, State Senator Joe Vitale, is more interested in playing politics than saving lives. According to the bill’s new sponsors, Senator Ed Durr and Senator Bob Singer, there are at least 25 of the 40 New Jersey state senators on board supporting its passage. The bill is simple and will make group homes safer for residents. It requires the installation of video cameras in all common areas of adult group homes for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities…only if all the residents agree. Cameras can also be added to private rooms upon request of the resident.

We need to pass this legislation now. That’s why I decided to step up to join Bill Spadea in support of this Common Sense law that will protect our most vulnerable. I write today to demand that you stand with your constituents and show your support too. 

Please, join me in supporting S1897 / Billy Cray’s Law… It’s Common Sense.

And to Senator Vitale – move the bill out of committee and to the floor for a vote!

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