This is what kids are learning in NJ schools

Do you remember what you learned in school? 

Of course, most of us can’t remember exactly what we learned in grade school but our lessons on the basics of math, reading, and writing form a foundation for the rest of our lives. While I probably can’t remember a specific lesson, I still know how to write an email or balance my checkbook. 

I wish kids in our current New Jersey system were as lucky. Because, even though our schools are some of the best in the country, the focus of our educators has shifted from academics to wokeness. 

This is not an exaggeration–this is actually what children are learning in K-12 schools here in New Jersey: 

  • That gender is a social construct and you can feel like a boy but be a girl “on the inside” and vice versa. Children are being taught this as young as the first grade! 
  • That white people are inherently racist and minorities are inherently oppressed. 
  • That men can have menstrual periods.

It’s disturbing to say the least. Meanwhile, our children are still not meeting as high of math standards as they did pre-COVID. And chronic absenteeism–kids missing more than 10 percent of school days–is at an all-time high. 

The kids are not alright. And their number-one supporters–their parents–are being shut out of important decisions. Murphy’s dangerous Policy 5756 actually instructs schools to hide a child’s “gender identity and expression” at school from parents. And while parental rights advocates have successfully stopped this practice in several districts, the upcoming school board elections may mean it will be reinstated. 

This is insanity! But, of course, it is the direct result of letting Leftwing lunatics run our schools for the past several decades. 

As a mother myself, I can’t read about what’s being taught to children here in our state without getting very angry. But we can’t afford to be just angry anymore. We have to act. 

And the main way we are acting here at the Common Sense Club is through speaking out. Will you join us? I encourage you to share this information with your network. Or consider sharing the post below on X. 

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Let kids learn again! We need to urge our school boards to REJECT Murphy’s insane gender guidance and start teaching core subjects again INSTEAD of woke activism. 

We have to keep speaking out and holding our schools accountable. The next generation of New Jerseyeans depend on it. 

In defiance and strength, 

Elizabeth Nader


Common Sense Club

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