You still don’t care about border security

It’s been just over a week since he was inaugurated, and Trump is already fulfilling his campaign promise to crack down on the border crisis. 

This is THE issue more than any other that drove record numbers of voters to elect him – including here in New Jersey, where Kamala Harris eked by on the smallest margin of any Democratic Presidential candidate in decades. 

After Trump’s big win, we saw 2025 Democratic gubernatorial candidates falling over themselves to assure us that they DO want to secure the border and they are ALL about law and order. 

But 7 days into Trump’s Presidency, the shiny new branding is fading as they just can’t resist lambasting their favorite punching bag. As they do, they show us their true colors once again.  

Mikie Sherrill called Trump’s border security plan an attempt to “threaten immigrant communities” and all the other candidates couldn’t jump in fast enough with their own attacks. Ras Baraka called Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration an “assault on the values we hold dear,” Sean Spiller said it was “disgusting,” Steve Sweeney called President Trump a “bully” and the ever-articulate Josh Gottheimer (eye-roll) called it all “unacceptable!” 

Have they forgotten who they are running to represent? Do they think November 2024 was a fluke? 

WE, the Common Sense Majority, must hold them accountable for their words, their actions, and their hypocrisy. No longer will they be able to lie and posture with impunity. 

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