We’re going to call this our regular Nonsense Call-Out. There’s no immediate action to be taken, but boy does someone need to be put on blast for this. Per usual, the viewpoint of some high-handed elites is getting more coverage than the thinking of New Jersey’s (and America’s) common sense majority.
So here it is.
Common sense Americans have been getting called “weird” a lot lately – by the ones who are actually “weird.”
If you’ve been avoiding the news, here’s some of the headlines lately from all our favorite elite and out-of-touch outlets, who may as well be the unpaid PR department of the Left. Journalism is dead, friends, and it has been for a while.

“Weird” is the new favorite attack tactic by Left Wing Lunatics who are on the losing side of the issues Americans will care most about in November – like chaos at the southern border, out-of-control costs, a flailing economy, and woke madness in our schools.
Like a bully with a big mouth (and in this case, with the media as their willing megaphone), the Left has decided to simply point and scream “weird!” at… oddly enough…those of us with common sense.
In the logic of the Left, J.D. Vance making a quip to highlight the important perspective of parents in setting our country’s future direction is weird – along with wanting to secure our border, avoid socialism, have fair elections, and protect our kids.
What does the Left consider normal?
- A biological male beating up a female boxer in the Olympics and stealing her medal opportunity after years of training.
- Drag queens posing in a mockery of the last supper.
- Pornographic materials in schools and kindergartners watching drag shows and pride parades.
- College students shutting down classes and campuses to join Hamas sympathizing“protests.”
- Riots that destroy businesses and cities.
- Major theft decriminalized so people can steal from retailers with impunity
Now that’s weird – It’s B.S. Dangerous. Vile. Criminal. Disgusting – and we could use some much stronger words to describe it.
We refuse to allow this type of madness to be called normal while American values are denigrated as weird.
Enough is enough.
The emperor has no clothes. We’re saying it.
The thing is, most Americans and New Jerseyans are seeing through this crap. Most of us are reasonable people who want to raise our families, live our lives as we choose, enjoy a semblance of safety, work hard to create a comfortable life, practice our faith, and be proud of our country. We’re simply asking that the government stop over taxing us, regulating us to death, jabbing us with vaccines, interfering in our decisions, and trying to raise our kids. Is that too much to ask? Frankly, it’s not.
Does this resonate with you? Congratulations! You are a common sense American!
Take heart! Common sense is still alive and well. But it’s time to get a little louder.