Murphy is making NJ less safe

New Jersey was one of the safest places in the nation to live. That’s why the recent uptick in crime is so disturbing. 

Just last week the Chief of Police in Florham Park released a public service announcement asking residents to be aware and stay safe. The area has experienced a series of burglaries and an attempted burglary that involved perpetrators trying to get into a woman’s locked car while she was inside!

And Florham Park isn’t the only place experiencing an increase in crime. Car theft in Monmouth County has gone up 300 percent since 2017! That’s staggering. Not to mention an increase in crime–including a stabbing–has been scaring tourists away from the Jersey shore this summer. 

What’s to blame? Look no further than Phil Murphy’s soft-on-crime policies. From so-called bail reform to his latest bid to allow former felons to serve on juries! Murphy presents his policies as “equity” initiatives. But we know the truth. 

Meanwhile, Murphy continues to undermine the police officers trying to keep our state safe. He actually blamed the police force for the uptick in crime at the shore. 

And all of this is just at a state level. Unfortunately, New Jersey is also reaping the effects of our national border crisis. This past spring, ICE agents arrested 40 illegal immigrants with a criminal history in New Jersey–including a convicted rapist. 

It may ruffle some feathers to say it, but the governor’s approach to crime is making our state less safe. And it may not be “politically correct” but our current president’s border policy is making our state less safe. 

We’re here to say the things that have to be said! It’s the mission of the Common Sense Club is to call it like it is. 

Are you ready to start speaking up? Join the Common Sense Club today and join thousands of New Jerseyans who are calling out Leftwing lunacy on a state and national level. 


As a member, you’ll get access to our quarterly conference call, a personal follow from the OFFICIAL Common Sense Club account on social media, and 20 percent off all merchandise! 

Already a member? We’re happy to have you on the team! Chip in a little extra this month to help us restore common sense in New Jersey and America.

Leftwing lunatics are making our state less safe. We MUST begin speaking out and holding them accountable–before it’s too late. 

I am confident that the majority of New Jerseyans have common sense and can see these harmful crime polices for what they are. We just need to start speaking out so they KNOW they are not alone. 

In defiance and strength, 

Elizabeth Nader 


Common Sense Club

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