Help needed…

We have a problem in New Jersey. 

People are leaving in droves. According to United Van Lines, people hired their movers to leave New Jersey more than any other region in 2023. In particular, many retirees are deciding that it is too expensive to live in the Garden State–they’re leaving and taking their income with them. 

This shouldn’t be surprising. Phil Murphy’s authoritarian policies and sky-high taxes (including the highest property taxes in the country) are making New Jersey unlivable. 

So what is Murphy’s solution? Is it to rein in government spending to help the economy? Is it to lower taxes? Or maybe Murphy will fix some of the many broken government programs (like our transit system) to entice people to stay. 

Of course, it’s none of these things. Typically, Murphy wants to throw more money at the situation! 

He is attempting to buy people off in order to keep them in the state through the
“Stay NJ” plan. “Stay NJ” is billed as a “property tax relief” program for elderly residents set to take effect in 2026. 

But where’s this money going to come from? This has all the billings of an unfunded empty promise. All “Stay NJ” does is put lipstick on the pig of yet another expensive government program. Not to mention, there is little bipartisan support for this bill, which was rammed through before the election. 

We have to put a stop to this before it goes too far–and we need your help to do so. Contact your state representatives today and let them know we need to get rid of “Stay NJ.” 

Not sure who your representatives are? Find out here!

We should be focused on decreasing our government spending and shrinking government control to allow small businesses to thrive. The last thing we need is another money-draining government pay out. 

We need to get loud against our state’s insane overspending problem NOW! 

In defiance and strength, 

Elizabeth Nader 


Common Sense Club

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